Welcome To WISTA Sweden
WISTA Sweden was formed in 1987 by Swedish women attending the international WISTA Conference in Le Havre and Hamburg. The international network of WISTA was and is our inspiration. We have hosted the WISTA International Conference & AGM three times: 1984, 2000 & 2011.
WISTA Sweden holds two national gatherings per year: the spring conference and AGM, and a theme meeting in the autumn. Our meetings include visits to relevant companies in various parts of Sweden, often in combination with workshops and seminars. The autumn meeting usually focuses on development, both personal and of our association.
Throughout the year we also have regional meetings that may include anything from visits to our members’ work places, attending shipping events, listening to interesting speakers or meeting in a pub, all with the ambition to develop the network locally. When we gather, we always learn more about our trade – from each other and those we invite or visit.
More about WISTA Sweden’s activities and history can be found in the 25-year anniversary magazine.
If you want to get in contact with us, please send an email to wistasweden@gmail.com
If you wish to apply for membership, find WISTA Sweden in this list, fill out the form and the board will get back to you. The membership fee is SEK 2,500 per year.
WISTA Sweden by-laws
WISTA Sweden annual report 2023
WISTA Sweden AGM 2024 minutes