
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Well attended AGM via Zoom

May 4, 2022

34 members of WISTA Sweden attended the AGM on the 7th of April. Members who attended a national meeting for the first time (Carola Andersson, Christina Thulin och Ulrica Sandgathe) were introduced and welcomed. Those members whose time in the board is at an end (Andrea Jällbrink, Anna Janson and Sofia Fürstenberg Stott) were thanked for their service, and Karolina Kjellgren was thanked for her time as President. Carolina Kihlström quits from the nomination committee and Karin Blomqvist quits as Deputy Auditor. Thank you all for your great work and commitment!

The annual report, income statement, balance sheet and audit report, business plan and the budget were all approved and the board was granted discharge. The member fee for 2023 will remain unchanged at SEK 2,500. The nomination committee proposal was approved in its entirety, which means that the board now consists of:

President, new election, two years: Christina Palmén
Vice President, by-election, one year: Karolina Kjellgren
Secretary, new election, two years: Nina Yngve
Member (Communication), new election, two years: Klara Johansson
Member (Membership), by-election, one year: Linda Svenson
Member (Programme), new election, two years: Lotten Kronudd
Deputy Member, re-election, two years: Mia Enander Lanner
Deputy Member, by-election, one year: Claudia Vella Casagrande

Remaining on the board for another year:
Treasurer: Kerstin Hansdotter
Member (Program support): Cajsa Jersler Fransson

Chris Nettervik Carlsson was re-elected as Auditor for another two years. Helena Peterson was elected as Deputy Auditor for one year. Elected for the nomination committee were Rebecca Dalén, Cecilia Österman and Andrea Jällbrink.

Those elected as responsible for regional activities the coming year are Ingrid Carlsen and Carina Björkeborn (West), Mia Enander Lanner and Rebecca Dalén (East) and Gertrud Widenmeyer (South).

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