
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association


June 27, 2023


In our sequence #MiercolesDeTI, the WISTA PERU Technology Committee presents a Note of Interest prepared by Marisol Geldres on the commitment assumed by the members of the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) with the 100% standardization of the electronic Bill of Lading by 2030.

Marisol is an Industrial Engineer and has an MBA, as well as more than 15 years of experience managing global supply, investment projects and exports. Currently, he works as Head of Purchasing and Foreign Trade at GRUPO ETEX – FABRICA PERUANA ETERNIT S.A. ? ?

#WomanWhoMoveTheWorld #womeninshipping #womenintrade #womeninlogistics #womeninports #womeninmaritime


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