
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Empowering Waves: Celebrating Women in Maritime with WISTA Sri Lanka

May 22, 2024

WISTA Sri Lanka has been at the forefront of empowering women in the shipping and trading industries in Sri Lanka for the past decade. To commemorate this significant milestone, we hosted a special event on May 17, 2024, at Orchid Hall, BMICH. This gathering was dedicated to sharing and celebrating the inspiring success stories of some of our remarkable colleagues in the industry.

Aligned with the International Day for Women in Maritime, the evening was filled with empowering narratives from our colleagues. It was a night that showcased inspiration, resilience, and triumph. The event highlighted the progress women have made in the maritime sector and emphasized the ongoing need for training and support to achieve true equality.

Together, we are making waves and shaping a brighter future for women in maritime. By continuing to support and advocate for gender equality in the maritime industry, we can create a more inclusive and diverse sector.

Here’s to the incredible women who are driving change and leading the way.

Special thanks go to our corporate partner SAGT (South Asia Gateway Terminals) for their unwavering support.

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