Welcome To WISTA Norway
WISTA Norway was established in 1988 as a national branch of WISTA International and has around 250 members representing the whole Norwegian maritime cluster. The membership activities take place in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Haugesund. Networking, educational issues, and interaction among members are the main activities.
WISTA Norway is working to achieve the overall mission of our organization by
- Working for more diversity in the maritime industry
- Facilitating the exchange of contacts, information and experiences among our members
- Promoting and encouraging the education of our members through member meetings and presentations by industry experts
- Offering a mentorship programme to connect women in the industry with experienced leaders (female & male).
- Promoting the industry and female leadership in our industry as a whole
- Presenting the WISTA LeaderShip Award annually
WISTA Norway is open to men and women in the maritime industry and 10% of our members are men today.
Visit our homepage: http://wistanorway.no/ for more information.