
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

WISTA Portugal joins AAMC

February 5, 2020

WISTA Portugal is now a member of AAMC!

AAMC (Associação de Armadores da Marinha de Comércio) is the Portuguese national shipowners association exiting since 1995, which is dedicated to defending the interests of entities who are part of the maritime industry, including cooperation with international entities like ECSA (European Community Shipowners Association).

AAMC has embraced the idea of this partnership with great enthusiasm, especially given the fact that the association is working closely on matters that relate to the promotion of gender equality and the specific needs and opportunities for women in shipping, concluding therefore, that having WISTA as a member would be a great contribution to their projects and discussions.

By joining AAMC, and in addition to reinforcing the common initiatives to be developed by the two associations in Portugal, WISTA Portugal gains more influence and participation in the discussions held at the ECSA level.

This opportunity in practice also means that WISTA Portugal can have an active role in the discussions held in the many working groups, besides proposing matters to be discussed at the level of the Board of Directors of ECSA.

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