
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

WISTA Peru celebration for International Women´s Day

March 26, 2021

On March 8th, we had a special online celebration for International Women´s Day. We had important guests that day. The Minister of International Trade, Claudia Cornejo sent us a special message, and we had the presence of the President of the National Port Authority, Mr. Edgar Patiño and the General Manager, Mr. Guillermo Bouroncle. Likewise, the General Director of the Peruvian Maritime Authority, Admiral  Alberto Alcala Luna, the President of OSITRAN, Mrs.Veronica Zambrano, the Ambassador of Netherlands, Mrs Nathalie Linvet and Fabiana  Martins on behalf of WISTA International.

It was an important night, and we recognized two female leaders and WISTA Peru members, Katerina  Vuskovic and Nora Benavides , who had done a great job during 2020.

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