
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

WISTA PERU 3rd Mentoring Program with APN

June 26, 2023

#Mentoring #APN #WISTA

Kathya Castillo, Joana Alvarez Guillén and Maria Cristina Escalante Melchiors, members of our Board of Directors, together with the members of WISTA PERU who participated as mentors in the 3rd Mentoring Program organized by the Committee led by KATHY ROMAN LUNA, were part of the Closing Ceremony carried out in the facilities of the National Port Authority (APN).

In the aforementioned ceremony there were words and delivery of diplomas by Mr. Manuel Hinojosa López, President of the APN, and NWA President, Kathya Castillo.

In this new edition of the Program, WISTA PERU worked hand in hand with women from the sector who work in the APN in order to provide them with the tools they need to direct and develop in an integral way in their professional and personal facets.

We would like to thank the members of our organization who embarked on being part of this 3rd edition of the Mentoring Program and the APN mentees, for taking on this great challenge and successfully completing this profitable stage of training.



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