
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Two special weeks in Busan Korea

September 26, 2024

WISTA International President Elpi Petraki has been warmly welcomed at Korea Maritime Week, attending some excellent events in Busan.

Ms Petraki had the pleasure of attending the International Maritime Organization SMART-C Women training , having the opportunity take part in the IMO-Republic of Korea Sustainable Maritime Transport Cooperation (SMART-C) Programme that includes a suite of initiatives, including SMART-C Women which supports female maritime professionals from the ASEAN and Pacific regions – designed to strengthen competencies in environmental and digital technologies through online and on-site training.

Following this, Ms Petraki attended the Korean Maritime week events where speakers including Arsenio Dominguez addressed a packed crowd.

Part of the week were the works of #WIMA Asia regional Conference, titled Tides of change: women leading to a sustainable and innovative maritime future.
WISTA International were honoured to participate in two panels: New Technologies for a Sustainable Maritime Future and Carrier advancement and wellbeing of Women in the Maritime sector.

Ms Petraki was very happy to meet with WISTA Korea President Christie Lee and to meet with so many amazing professional women from #WIMA Asia and to hear about their work.

A heartfelt thank you to all of this who made these two weeks a success , especially to Yeongjoo Baek and Mariana Noceti

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