
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

New Board for WISTA Argentina

July 14, 2024

Last August 2023 the new board for WISTA Argentina was elected in the AGM. The new board is formed by:

Mrs Viviana Fonseca as President. She has more than 20 years of experience in General Management of technology companies across Latin America.  She has held various regional leadership positions including CEO, COO, and CMO, providing her with a profound understanding of business processes. Viviana holds a Master’s in Business Administration from UADE and a Bachelor’s in Political Science and International Relations.

Mrs. Dafne Anghelidis as Vice-president, she is the owner of Agencia Maritima Intercontinental, ship’s agents. Mrs Dafne has been hardly working with commitment and passion as secretary of WISTA Argentina from 2014 to 2019 and as president from 2019 to 2023. Presently she is a member of the executive committee of WISTA International.

Mrs. Julieta Noa Rodriguez as Secretary, she is partner at JRR & Asoc. an insurance broker company that specializes in marine risks.

Mrs. María Celeste Gaincerain as Treasurer, is a professional with extensive experience in business administration and management control. A graduate of the University of San Andrés with degrees in Business Administration and Public Accounting. She is CFO at PTP Group.

Mrs. María Natalia Suñer as an advisor. She is a professional Economist, proffesor of Public University with experience advising regional government and international organizations about port management.

Mrs. Cynthia Margarita Robson as Auditor, she has a degree in Public Accounting and Business Administration and she is a PhD candidate in Accounting (Management Accounting).

This new board hopes to be able to make WISTA Argentina grow further and continue supporting women’s professional development in the shipping and trading sector.

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