
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Launch Event of the first Mentoring Programme of Wista Perú

September 19, 2020

On September 18, 2020, Wista Peru organized the launch event of the first Mentoring programe for America Latina, which is directed at its first edition to current students and officers of the Escuela Nacional de la Marina Mercante del Peru (ENAMM, according to its acronym in Spanish).

In the launch ceremony we were please to have the presence of members of Wista Peru and ENAMM. Also, we have an excellent panel of speakers formed by our president, Miriam Sara and Kathy Roman, leader of the Mentoring Comitte; Cap. De Navío, Mr. Marco Nicolini; Director of ENAMM. Furthermore, we have the participation of Fabiana Martins, representative of the International Committee of Wista International for the Region of Americas; and Jhessenia Marin, Teniente Segundo of Marina Mercante Nacional and ex student of ENAMM.

The program has as its main objective to promote the diversity in our industry, focused on the maritime, port, logistics and international trade sectors. In this opportunity, we have the support of 14 mentoras, members of Wista Peru, who will talk about their life experiences and give assessment to 14 mentees, since the month of October and for a three month period.

This new challenge assumed by Wista Peru has been under the leadership of the Mentoring Comittee which is directed by Kathy Roman and formed by the associates Kathya Castillo, Susana Rosadio, Illiam Mejia, Lili Correa and Milagros Miguel.

We trust that this big challenge will allow Wista Peru to continue with the achievement of our goals and mainly with the development of our future generations of women who are dedicated to the main activities of our sector. We firmly believe that count with prepared and trained women will allow us to open new paths and assume new challenges based on our efforts, hard work and joint preparation.

We are completely sure that this first promotion of mentees will mark a difference and allow ENAMM to contribute to the integral preparation of its students and officers.

Welcome on board to this new challenge mentors and mentees!


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