
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Conference: Female leadership in the port administration

April 17, 2024

WISTA Argentinawas invited to participate in the panel: “Liderazgo Femenino: Mujeres en la Gestión Portuaria” (Female leadership in the port administration) within the seminar “TRAZANDO RUMBOS”, The new paradigm of women in the port logistics.

Organized by the ROSARIO PORT ADMINISTRATOR (ENAPRO), Ministry of Productive Development of the province of Santa Fe.

This activity had the aim of highlighting the role of women in the Ports and Logistics environment. The venue was the new river terminal of Rosario, on April 12th 2024.

Congratulations to our WISTA Argentina exco member Natalia Suñer for being one of the speakers in this panel!

Natalia was accompanied by Graciela Alabarce, president of Enapro; Renata Ghilotti, Transport and Logístics Secretary of the province of Santa Fe; Mónica Alvarado, Transport undersecretary and Norma Pascar Director of the Ateneo Waterways and Ports.

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