WISTA Sweden held Autumn meeting
October 23, 2023
In October, WISTA Sweden held its autumn meeting in Vaxholm near Stockholm. WISTA Sweden is growing and many new members attended their first WISTA meeting. An extra warm welcome to you! The overall theme for this meeting was leadership and the participants got to listen to interesting talks by Marina Angsell, head of the section for international coordination at the Swedish Transport Agency, and Johanna Rantsi, moderate member of parliament and responsible for the shipping policy of her party. Lisen Sundh from Färjerederiet talked about her company’s leadership program followed by a study visit on board the ferry Castella. Christina Palmén informed about the work of WISTA Sweden’s board, Angela Jenhed and Cajsa Jersler Fransson talked about WISTA Sweden’s mentorship program and Carolina Kihlström informed about the ongoing projects #equalityinshipping and #redo.Thanks to everyone who participated for great days.

Several new members of WISTA Sweden attended the meeting. Photo: Anna Janson