
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

African Union conference for innovation for a sustainable ocean

July 25, 2020

WISTA International ExCo member Naa Densua Aryeetey will be a speaker at the African Union conference for innovation for a sustainable ocean.

The African Union celebrates every year on July 25 “The Day of Seas and Oceans”

This year the theme for the 6th celebration is “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean”. In line with the theme, the Ocean Ambassadors Foundation has decided to celebrate alongside the Union.

The objective is to drive home the need to define Africa’s ocean assets, the laws guiding the oceans; the need to preserve a clean and safer ocean for all.

It calls for the need to build human capacity for the future of African Economy, and to think of a vibrant succession plan for the youths that will take over the leadership of the ocean economy.

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