WISTA Brazil and Norsul’s Horizons for Women Forum Brings Together Maritime Sector Women to Discuss Career Challenges
April 10, 2024
On April 10, WISTA Brazil and Norsul joined forces to host the Horizons for Women Forum, a standout event on the maritime calendar. Held in Rio de Janeiro and broadcast live across Brazil, the forum saw the participation of over 200 women from the maritime sector.
The main objective of the event was to address issues directly affecting the careers of women in the maritime industry. Under the leadership of Aline Carvalho, Executive Manager of People and Management at Norsul and a member of WISTA Brazil, the forum featured an inspiring lecture by Maira Liguori, President of Think Olga, who offered a light and assertive approach to the topic of harassment.
Following this, Flávia Takafashi, Director at ANTAQ and also a WISTA Brazil member, shared insights on the journey of creating the Guide to Addressing Harassment in the Maritime Sector, launched in March of this year in partnership with WISTA Brazil, MPor, and OAB. MSc. Eng. Luciana Suman, CEO of MarMec Engenharia, Consultoria e Treinamento, and Director of Institutional Relations at WISTA Brazil, enriched the panel with her perspective on the transformative impact of the Guide on the lives of maritime professionals.
Throughout engaging discussions and inspiring exchanges, women shared their experiences, highlighted challenges, and suggested solutions to increase female representation in the maritime sector. “It is a privilege for me, as a maritime woman, to participate in an event where women are committed to discussing our challenges and future in navigation. Thank you, Norsul and WISTA,” said Carolina Lemos, one of the Wisters present in the audience.
WISTA Brazil and Norsul thank all participants, especially Claudia Diniz, Eng. Luciana Suman, Cristiane Santos Silva, Adriana Pina, Fabiana Durant, Veridiany Silva, Luíza Coli, and Renata Cortês, whose contributions were fundamental to the success of the event.