
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Coctel to celebrate the International Day for Women in Maritime

May 30, 2024

A few days ago, WISTA Venezuela hosted a dinner coctel to celebrate the women in our industry, together with the Venezuelan Maritime Law Association and the Iberoamerican Institute of Maritime Law. Many members of the maritime community  joined to conmemorate this special day.

The International Day for Women in Maritime, invites us to meditate on our accomplishments, the challenges we still face and, above all, to honor the essential role of women in our sector.

On this special day, we could not fail to mention the extraordinary work carried out by WISTA, an organization that has worked vigorously to promote the participation of women in all facets of the maritime industry.

WISTA International has been a beacon of inspiration and support for maritime women around the world, providing opportunities for networking, professional development and advocacy.

For more information visit: www.wistainternational.com

Over the last year, WISTA Venezuela has  significantly grown. Incorporating women from  various areas of expertise, including lawyers, brokers, biologist, engineers, charterers and shipowners, and we hope to continue to grow stronger and to always advocate for women within our sector.

For more details on WISTA Venezuela follow in IG: @wistavenezuela

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