
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

WISTA PERU Fellowship Meeting

March 20, 2024

Last week our members met with Zulma Dinelli, President & CEO of PR Ports LLC, who is also a partner of WISTA Argentina. It is an honor for us to have met with a great leader and to be able to share our experiences and enjoy our anecdotes together.

From WISTA PERÚ we want to congratulate Zulma for her great work and leadership in the maritime-port sector since they have been paving the way that inspire many women to success and new opportunities.

Likewise, we want to reaffirm our commitment to be able to carry out new projects, among which are the LIFE Program, Port Leaders, among others.

We are confident that these commitments will make our associations grow and increase women’s leadership in our sectors!

#WomenWhoMovesTheWorld #WistaPeru


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