
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

WISTA PERU Technical Visit

June 27, 2023

#Comex #VisitaTécnica

On April 29, a visit to the facilities of the Villas Oquendo customs warehouse was carried out, which was organized by the Foreign Trade Practice Area of WISTA PERU, led by our partner Patricia Cabello Benites; following the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs 4, 5 and 17. Next, we will tell you a little more about this great experience.

During this technical visit, our members were able to get involved with very interesting topics related mainly to warehouse operations, thanks to the general manager Alberto Elias and Gisela Cachay, senior customer service manager. Thus, fourteen members of WISTA PERU participated in this visit where they were able to learn about the services provided by a customs warehouse, its organization, the layout of its facilities, the areas required for the different customs operations and services they provide, as well as the technology and equipment that they use in their operations and how they have been transformed during the pandemic and after it, in favor of all their clients, both internal and external.

In addition, they had the opportunity to participate in a deconsolidation operation of an LCL/LCL container, and they also met Coby, the anti-drug dog used to check export merchandise.

This was a very interesting visit that ended with an enriching conversation, in which our members poured all their experience and professionalism into sharing their ideas, comments, and suggestions.

#WomenWhoMoveTheWorld #womenintrade #womeninlogistics #womeninmaritime #womeninports #womeninshipping


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