
Women's International Shipping & Trading Association

Wista Belgium – Virtual Apero first edition !

October 19, 2020

We had a warm & relaxed first edition of our virtual apero on 13th October , 2020 !

Here’s the recap of a few topics we discussed :

Our chairwoman Carmen Dewilde invites us to think about activities for next year. On top of that Wista Belgium celebrates it’s 10 year anniversary in 2021 ! Ideas about celebration can be shared with Carmen.

An overview of online channels where Wista is active – let’s make use of it !

Wista online network : We would like to encourage all members of Wista Belgium to create an account on the Wista Website. This will give you acces to a worldwide network of contacts, always available for you. And it will make our association more visible 🙂

How to create a Wista account ? :

Go to link : https://wistainternational.com/create-account/         Use password : womenwhomovetheworld  -> fill in all information and your account will be activated.







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