Welcome To WISTA Italy
Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) is an international organization for women in management positions involved in maritime transportation business and related trades worldwide.
WISTA Italy was founded in Genoa on 1994 out of the will of five founding members, all strongly involved within the Italian shipping industry.
WISTA Italy’s mission is to go deeper in the knowledge of the Members’ working activities, and the area of interest in which they work, throughout the exchange of information, idea and contacts that shall enlarge the horizon to all the Shipping Professions.
WISTA Italy also aims to promote the working co-operation between the Members, who are guaranteed to find within the colleagues a prompt and active reply to the request of their own Company. A second, but no less important, target is to support women in entering the Shipping Professional world, namely throughout professional education and qualification.
Education is granted with monthly based seminars, debates and meetings on high relevance themes always connected to the Shipping world.
Visit WISTA Italy online at http://www.wistaitaly.it/