WISTA Sweden extend an invitation for the attendees of the WMU Conference in Malmo to a “Meet & Greet”
April 3, 2019
Join us in a pre-Conference Meet & Greet, Wednesday the 3rd of April 2019 at 18.00 in Malmo
Empowering Women in the Maritime Community is what WISTA is all about! So we like to celebrate this year´s IMO theme and the WMU Conference with a party. As many of you, our international friends are joining the WMU conference we would like to take the opportunity of meeting up and enjoy each other’s company. We are happy to invite you to the WISTA Sweden Empowering party!
The party will be held onboard “Blå båten” (The blue boat) and you get the chance to listen to Cecilia Österman speaking about the work done by WISTA Sweden within the maritime #metoo movement in Sweden. We will also get an introduction to “Women offshore” by the founder Ally Cedeno, WISTA USA.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
The cost for the entire evening onboard is:
- Non-members: 700 SEK (approx 70 Euro)
- WISTA members 500 SEK (approx 50 Euro).
- WISTA Sweden “bring a friend” 500 SEK.
- WMUWA 100 SEK.
The price includes food and drinks. An invoice will be sent after registration.
Register via this link https://www.simplesignup.se/event/145063-the-wista-empowering-party
If any questions or need hotel recommendations, please send an email to: Cajsa.jerslerfransson@sjofartsverket.se